Getting Started


What is LACES NexGen?


LACES NexGen (Literacy, Adult, and Community Education System) is online student data management software designed for providers of Adult Basic Education (ABE), volunteer literacy, and correctional education.  With LACES NexGen, you are able to track everyone associated with your ABE/GED/ESL programs, including students, classes, and staff.  It collects all NRS-related data and generates required and optional NRS tables.  LACES NexGen also tracks outcome measures such as educational gains, goal achievement, cohort outcomes, demographic information, and attendance hours, so you can monitor how your program is performing over time.


In addition to ABE tracking, LACES NexGen can be used to tracks the full range of constituents associated with your volunteer-based literacy program, including students, volunteer tutors, pairs, and small groups, as well as donors, contacts, and other affiliates.


LACES NexGen is NRS and OCTAE compliant, and NRS and OCTAE requirements are built into the software, which includes specific required fields and automatic population of cohorts.  The software is updated when the NRS and OCTAE makes changes to the way students are tracked and reported for funding purposes.  While your agency may not report to the NRS, the built-in business rules cannot be removed.  However, other entities that you report to may have similar requirements.