Group Detail Record


The group header displays key information about the group record that is currently open, and shows at the top of each group detail tab. The header itself cannot be edited, but the fields that display in the header may be edited elsewhere in the group detail record, or populate automatically.  The group header will update to display any changes.


Fields that display in the group header and where the editable fields may be edited:


Group Name

Group Details tab; required at intake.


Group ID

System number automatically generated when the group record is created.



Group Details tab.



Group Details tab; required at intake.



Group Details tab; required at intake.


Start Date

Group Details tab; required at intake.


End Date

Group Details tab; required at intake.



Group Details tab.


Group Keyword

Group Detail tab.



Group Details tab.



Group Details tab.



Group Details tab.


Max Enroll

Group Details tab.



Auto-generated from group enrollment.



Auto-generated from group enrollment.



Auto-generated from group enrollment.



The group detail toolbar allows you to:


      Add a new group

      Delete the group record currently open


      Print the current page


The Record Indicator at the top right of the group header shows what record you in out of a selection of records, and allows you to move forward or back either by record, or to the beginning or end of the classes in the list.  When you use the arrows to move forward or back, the record will be at the same panel and/or tab you were previously in.