The following two views are available at the group Enrollment tab grid:
•Enrollment Info (default)
•Student Contact Info
Click on the down arrow in the dropdown menu to display and select one of the available views. The selected view will remain in place when using the record indicator at the top right to move forward or back to records within the Enrollment tab.
Each enrollment view contains a combination of the following fields.
Last Name |
Last name of each student with an enrollment record within the group. |
First Name |
First name of each student with an enrollment record within the group. |
Middle Name |
Middle name of each student with an enrollment record within the group. |
Enroll Status |
The student enrollment status specific to the group. |
*Start Date |
The date the student began in the group. This field will default to the group start date when student’s enrollment date is earlier than the group date. The start date will default to the enrollment date when the date is after the group start date. |
*End Date |
The date the student exited the group or the date the student is scheduled to exit the group, generated from the group end date. The end date must be between the group start and end dates. |
Hours Earned |
Number of hours the student earned in the group; automatically adjusted if hours are added or removed from the Attendance tab. |
Last Hours Date in Group |
The last date hours date for the student in the group. |
Address 1 |
Student’s address.
Address 2 |
Student’s address.
City |
Student’s city.
State |
Student’s state.
Zip |
Student’s zip code.
Home Phone |
Student’s home phone.
Mobile Phone |
Student’s mobile phone.
Work Phone |
Student’s work phone.
Student’s email address.
Creation Date |
System-generated date indicating the date the enrollment record was entered in the database. |
Edit |
Click to open the enrollment record for editing. |
Delete |
Click to delete the enrollment record. All student hours associated with the enrollment must be deleted before the enrollment record can be deleted. |
Enroll Button
The group status must be active for students to be enrolled in the group.
To enroll a student:
1. Click the Enroll button.
2. On the data chooser, select one or more students by checking the box on the row. All students will display. You may select students on different pages.
3. Enter an Enroll Date at the bottom left of the window, or click Show Selected to display the selected students.
4. Show Selected allows you to enter a separate enroll date in the field on the grid if multiple students have been selected.
5. Click Enroll Students.
Editing and Deleting Enrollments
Click the Edit button to open an enrollment record for viewing or editing. This will open the enrollment record and allow you to make and save changes. When you are editing enrollment data, you cannot navigate to a different tab or panel in the class detail record until the edits to the record are either saved or canceled.
The Delete button allows you to delete existing student enrollments. Before an enrollment record can be deleted, all associated hours must be deleted first. Hours may be deleted at the student record or the group attendance tab.
Exiting or Completing Students from a Group
Exiting or completing one student from the group is done by editing the enrollment record. Typically students are exited from an enrollment when they have met all the requirements, or left without completing all requirements.
There are various enrollment statuses that may be selected when exiting a student. These are available solely for the tracking purposes of your agency and have no effect on the student in terms of reporting, other than to indicate that the student is no longer enrolled.
Enrollment Status |
May be used to indicate: |
Completed Class |
Completed all requirements.
Incomplete |
Did not complete all requirements.
Stopout |
Left the group, but will return in a later semester or fiscal year.
Left |
Left without attempting to complete requirements.
Never Attended |
Enrolled, but never attended.
Dropout |
Dropped out of the enrollment with no plans to return.
Dismissed |
Dismissed from the enrollment.
Transferred |
Transferred from the enrollment into another.
On Hold |
A temporary hiatus from the group.
To exit or complete one student from the group:
1. Click the Edit button on the row.
2. Select the status from the dropdown list.
3. Update the End Date to reflect when the student exited or completed the enrollment.
4. Click Save.
If the exact date of exit is unknown and the student is being exited due to non-attendance, the student’s last hours date should be used, since this is the student’s last known date of attendance. The End Date must be within the Start and End Date of the class and must be after the Enrollment and Start Dates.
Complete Students Button
The Complete Students button may be used to exit or complete all students from the group who have met all the group requirements but are still enrolled in the group. Typically this is used when a group has ended and is ready to be closed.
1. Click the Complete Students button.
2. The students whose group enrollment status is still enrolled will display on the data chooser.
3. On the data chooser, select all students by checking the box on the top header row. If there are multiple pages, you must select the top row checkbox on all pages.
4. Enter a Completed/End Date at the bottom left of the window, or click Show Selected to display the students.
5. Show Selected allows you to edit fields on the grid for each student and add grade and fee information. (Editable fields are highlighted.)
6. The Status field at the bottom of the window may also be changed to reflect a different enrollment status for all students, if applicable. Otherwise, the status for all students should be Completed Class.
7. To close the group by changing the group status to Completed, check the box ‘Change Group Status to Completed’ at the bottom of the window.
8. Click Complete.
An error message will display if there are waiting or on hold students left in the group if you checked the box to change the group status.
Re-enroll Students
The Re-Enroll button allows you to re-enroll students whose group enrollment status was changed from Enrolled but have now returned to complete the group.
The group status must be active to re-enroll students.
1. Click the Re-Enroll Students button.
2. Only students who may be re-enrolled will display on the data chooser.
3. Select the students to re-enroll.
4. Enter a Re-Enroll Date at the bottom left of the window, or click Show Selected to display the students. This date will typically be a date after the date the student initially left the group.
5. Show Selected allows you to edit the re-enroll date if multiple students have been selected.
6. Click Re-Enroll Students.
The student status will update to Enroll. The enroll date will update in the student enrollment record and the end date will update to the end date of the group.
Students whose enroll status in the group is waiting or on hold cannot be re-enrolled in the group by using the Re-enroll button. These students must be enrolled in the group by editing their individual enrollment records.
Overall History Status
When a student’s overall status is ‘Left,’ re-enrolling the student in the group using the ‘Re-Enroll Students’ button will add an ‘enrolled’ or ‘active’ record in the student’s overall status history. The re-enroll date will display as the start date, and the ‘Notes’ field will display ‘Re-Enroll.’ This indicates that the student was re-enrolled in a group they had previously left.
Re-enrolling a student by editing the enrollment record
The student may be re-enrolled in the group by editing the student enrollment record and changing the enroll status to ‘Enrolled’ and updating the end date to match the end date of the group. Re-enrollment using this method will NOT add a new student overall status history record.
Duplicate Group
It is recommended that at the end of the fiscal year, groups are closed and recreated in the new fiscal. Groups that are being offered again in the same fiscal year, or will be offered in the new fiscal year may be duplicated when:
•A group that is ending will be offered again with the same title and requirements, including the max enroll.
•Students still enrolled in a group that is ending are planning to continue enrollment in the new group.
To duplicate a group:
1. Open the group record to be duplicated.
2. Complete or mark left all students who are NOT continuing in the duplicated group.
3. Click the Duplicate Group button.
4. At the top right of the window, select the term for the duplicated group.
5. Enter the new start and end date.
6. Select the tutor options for including assigned tutors in the duplicated group.
7. All students who are currently enrolled will display on the data chooser and will be checked by default.
8. Uncheck any students you do not want to have enrolled in the duplicated group. These students will need to be exited or complete individually.
9. Click Save.
10. The duplicated group will have the status of active and will display on the group list.
11. After duplicating the group, open the original group record and complete all students and mark the group status to Completed at the Group Details tab.