Attendance Tab


The Group Attendance tab is for entering hours earned by the students while enrolled in the group, and is comprised of two sections - the group attendance header and the group attendance grid.


Attendance Header


There is one available view on the view dropdown list in the group attendance header:



The Attendance view contains the following fields:



Date of attendance record.

Last Name

Last name of student.

First Name

First name of student.

Middle Name

Middle name of student.


Hours Type

Type of hours.

Hours Present

Number of hours present for the date entered.

Hours Absent

Number of hours absent for the date entered.


Number of hours late for the date entered.

Creation Date

System-generated date indicating the date the hours record was entered in the database.


Click to open the hours record for editing.


Click to delete the hours record.  All student hours associated with the enrollment must be deleted before the enrollment record can be deleted.



Rules regarding student and instructor hours

1.     Student instruction and non-instruction hours must be on or after the student’s start date in the group, and on or before the student’s end date in the group.

2.     Instructor non-instruction hours must be on or after the instructor’s assign date in the group, and on or before the instructor’s end date in the group.

3.     Instructor instruction hours must be on or after the instructor’s start date in the group, and before the instructor’s end date in the group.



Add Hours


Hours may be added for both assigned instructors and enrolled students.


To add group attendance records:


1.     Click the Add button.

2.     The Add Hours data chooser will display, with today’s date highlighted.

3.     To select dates other than today’s date, click Clear Dates.

4.     You may make multiple date selections by clicking the dates on the calendar for which you would like to add hours. 

5.     The start and end date of the group must be within the selected dates.  

6.     Check the ‘Include Instructor’ checkbox if you want to add hours for the instructor.

7.     Select the hours type and enter the number of hours.

8.     Select the hours type for the students and enter the number of hours.

9.     A row will display on the date chooser for the instructor and the students.

10.  The Hours Type, Hours Present, Hours Absent, and Late may be edited on each individual row. (If you don’t want to add a particular hours record, uncheck the record on the data chooser grid.)

11.  To add additional hours types, click Add Hours Type and select from the dropdown list. 

12.  Click Save, or Save and New.



Editing and Deleting Hours Records


Click the Edit button to open an hours record for viewing or editing. This will open the hours record and allow you to make and save changes.  Date, Hours Present, Hours Absent, and Late may be edited.  When you are editing an hours record, you cannot navigate to a different tab or panel in the group detail record until the edits to the record are either saved or canceled.

The Delete button allows you to delete hours records.



Expand All/Collapse All


Expanding and collapsing may be used after a column heading has been dragged to the top row header to group.  Once a column is grouped, the information can be collapsed to display only the information for that column.  To see how this works:


1.     Drag the column Hours Present to the top row header.  This will group together the records with the same number of hours present.

2.     Now click Collapse All.  This will reduce the number of records that display so only one record displays for each grouping.

3.     Each row has an arrow at the beginning of the row.  Click one of the arrows to expand that particular group.

4.     Click Expand All to expand the grouping.


Date Range


Hours records may be searched by a specific fiscal year, or fiscal year and quarter by clicking the down arrow on the Date Range dropdown list.  Once a selection has been made, the dates will display in the date fields.  For example, selecting the fiscal year 2013-2014 will automatically display the date range 7/1/2013 – 6/30/2014 (start and end dates of the 2013-2014 fiscal year).  Click Apply to search the hours records.


Even after a selection has been made from the list, a custom date range may be entered and applied.  The date range will overwrite the previous selection.


The last selection will remain in effect until Cancel is selected on the dropdown list.