Workshop Grid


Workshops are typically enrollments settings for a small number of participants and are taught by staff. Agencies typically provide workshops for additional training or professional development for staff, tutors, volunteers, contacts, and donors, including a specific workshop type – New Tutor Training – for tutors only.  There are no instructional hours earned for participants in a workshop.  The hours earned are ‘Workshop’ hours and count in the lifetime or total number of hours earned by the participants while active in your agency.


Students may be enrolled in workshops but only if there is a reason to do so. For example, a student who is also planning to volunteer at your agency may be required to attend a volunteer workshop.  Students do not earn instructional hours for workshop participation, and workshop hours earned do not count on the NRS reports.


When you first sign in to LACES NexGen, the default view at the Workshop tab is the Workshop List view. 


The default filter is Active and displays:

      Workshops with the status of Active.


To display all workshop records entered in your agency, click the X on the Active tile to remove the filter.  To add the filter back, click the <Searches link above the grid to open the search panel.  Open the General category and click ‘Active.’  Click <Searches again to close the search panel.


Shared workshop views display at the top left of the workshop grid.  There are three shared views.  The default view is Workshop List, which displays columns on the grid that provide at-a-glance information about the workshop dates and details.  The view may be changed by selecting a different view from the list.  This view will be in effect until you change it, even if you leave the workshop grid temporarily by clicking on a different tab, and then return to the workshop grid.   For more information about views, go to View Manager.


Workshop Toolbar


The toolbar at the workshop grid allows you to:


      Add new workshop

      Select records

      Export to CSV

      Run Reports

      Select more functions


To add a new workshop record, click the  + Add New Workshop icon to display the workshop intake form. 


In addition to common fields entered for additional workshop information, there are six required fields on the workshop intake form that must be entered before the record can be saved.


*Start Date


The date in the current fiscal year the workshop is scheduled to start. 


*End Date


The date in the current fiscal year the workshop is scheduled to end.

*Workshop Type

Type of workshop.  ONLY tutors may be enrolled in a New Tutor Training workshop type.




The title of the workshop.



Status of the workshop.  The workshop status must be active to enroll participants.


*Max Enroll

The maximum number of participants who may be enrolled in the workshop. 




Opening a Workshop detail record


Workshop records may be opened by double-clicking on the record, or by clicking the details icon on the row.