

Specific Areas include a More icon on the toolbar with options that are specific to that area. 


Students Area

Add Goals

Adjust NRS Goal Survey Data

Adjust NRS Cohort Survey Data

Create Fiscal Year Summaries


Class Area

Duplicate Classes


Staff Area

Create Fiscal Year Summaries


Group Area

Duplicate Groups


Workshop Area

Duplicate Workshops


All Assessments

Import TABE Online Assessments (all local agencies and SEA)

Import TOPS Pro Assessments (all local agencies and SEA)

Import Deprecated GED Assessments (SEA only)

Import GED Test Center 2002 Assessments (SEA only)

Import GED 2014 Assessments (SEA only)

Import HiSET Assessments (SEA only)

Import TASC Assessments (SEA only)



All Follow-up Outcomes

Import Employment Data Match By SSN (SEA only)

Import Postsecondary Education Data (SEA only)



What is ‘SEA’ and why do they have more imports?


SEA stands for State Education Agency.  All ABE clients have an SEA agency where the state director or other state level personnel have access to all the data entered by the agencies in their state.  SEA personnel are responsible for importing data that affects outcome reporting.