Classes that are continuing into the next semester or fiscal year may be duplicated rather than re-created.
•Students who are currently enrolled in a class that will be duplicated will be enrolled in the duplicated class. Make sure that all student enroll statuses are correct before duplicating the class.
•Only ‘active’ classes may be duplicated.
•You may duplicate more than one class at a time.
•Complete the original class after duplicating.
To duplicate a class
1. Select and subset the active class or classes you wish to duplicate.
2. Select ‘Duplicate Classes’ on the More toolbar.
3. The ‘Duplicate Classes’ window will display with the class or classes to be duplicated.
4. You may either enter the fields on the left column to populate the fields on the grid, or enter in the editable fields on the grid. Editable fields display in green.
5. Class status, start date, end date, max enroll, and enroll date are required fields. The Max Enroll number will populate from the original class unless you change it.
6. Select whether to include the primary instructor, or all assigned instructors in the duplicated class.
7. Click Save.
The following fields will ‘carry over’ to the duplicated class, if the fields were entered in the original class.
•Course Number
•Class Keyword
•Weeks of Class
•Hours Per Week
•Hours Per Term
If the Max Enroll number is less than the number of enrolled students in the class being duplicated, students who exceed the number will be enrolled with the status of Waiting.
The class that was duplicated can now be ‘closed’ out by completing the students and changing the class status to ‘Completed.’