The More toolbar at the student grid allows you to select functionality that affects records in batches. The selected records are updated without having to open the detail records and make changes individually.
Each More item will update all records in the current selection, so it is important to make sure you have the correct list of student record before making the change.
1. Select and subset the student records at the grid.
2. Click More.
3. Select Add Goals.
4. On the popup data form, add the date set. The goal status will change to Active. If you also add a date met, the goal status will change to Met.
5. Select the goal from the goal dropdown list.
6. Add additional details, if applicable.
7. Check Included in Survey and/or Responded to Survey, if applicable.
8. Click Save.
A goal record is added to the student Outcomes tab/Goals and Achievements panel.
1. Select and subset the student records at the grid.
2. Click More.
3. Select Adjust NRS Goal Survey Data.
4. On the popup data form, select the fiscal year at the ‘Set in Fiscal Year’ field. This will adjust survey data for goals set in the fiscal year.
5. Select how you wish ‘Included in Survey’ to update.
6. Select how you wish ‘Responded to Survey’ to update.
7. Check the goals you wish to update.
8. Click Save.
Only existing goals set in the fiscal year selected will be updated. To count in the responded to survey column on NRS tables, responded to survey must be checked in the goal record.
1. Select and subset the student records at the grid.
2. Click More.
3. Select Adjust NRS Cohort Survey Data.
4. On the popup data form, select the fiscal year at the ‘Left in Fiscal Year’ field. This will adjust survey data for students who left in the fiscal year, AND are in the cohort.
5. Select how you wish ‘Included in Survey’ to update.
6. Select how you wish ‘Responded to Survey’ to update.
7. Check the cohorts you wish to update.
8. Click Save.
Only students in the selection who are marked left in the fiscal year, and are in the cohort will be updated.
After adjusting NRS goal or
cohort survey data, you must update the fiscal year summaries for the students
to count correctly on the NRS tables.
1. Select and subset 200 or less student records at the grid.
2. Click More.
3. Select Create Fiscal Year Summaries.
4. On the popup data form, the fiscal year that your agency is set for will display in read only format.
5. Click Create Now.
Fiscal year summaries can only be created or updated for the fiscal year that your agency is set for. Once your agency is updated to the new fiscal year, you cannot create summaries for the previous fiscal year.
LiteracyPro Systems runs fiscal year summaries once a month in all ABE clients. You do not have to wait for the monthly summaries to be run. When you make a change to a student record that affects how that student counts on NRS searches or tables, you may update the summary.
Student fiscal year summary records may be opened at the Student History tab/Fiscal Year panel.