Staff members are typically paid instructors who provide instruction to adult students in classes or workshops, and teach workshops designed for professional development. Staff members count on NRS Table 7 for those agencies who report to the NRS.
When you first sign in to LACES NexGen and click the staff area link, the default view is Staff List. The default filter is Current Fiscal Year.
The Current Fiscal Year filter displays staff members:
•With the overall status of active.
•Who have any status except active and had at least one hour in the fiscal year.
To display all staff records entered in your agency, click the X on the Current FY tile to remove the filter.
Shared views are predefined and are available on a dropdown list that displays at the top left of the staff grid. There are three shared views. The default view is Staff List, which displays columns on the grid that provide at-a-glance information about overall status, program and department. The view may be changed by selecting a different view from the list. This view will be in effect until you change it, even if you leave the staff grid temporarily by clicking on a different tab, and then return to the staff grid. For more information about views, go to View Manager.
Staff Toolbar
The toolbar at the staff grid allows you to:
•Add new staff
•Make a selection
•Export to CSV
•Run Reports
•Select more functions
To add a new staff record, click the Add New Staff icon to display the staff intake form. The * indicates a required field and must be entered before the record may be saved.
Staff required fields
In addition to basic required fields, such as last name and first name, certain staff fields are required at intake because they must be entered for the staff to count correctly on NRS Table 7, or because the field values affect data in other fields.
Overall Status |
The overall status field must be set at intake, typically set to Active. This field must be manually updated when there are changes in the staff overall status.
Classification |
Indicates the classification or function of the staff member. For agencies who report to the NRS, staff members must have a classification represented in Column B of NRS Table 7 in order to populate Table 7.
The following Classifications will populate NRS Table 7: •Local Aide/Paraprofessional •Local Counselor •Local Teacher •Local Administrator •Local Ancillary Services •Local Tutor •Local Supervisor •State Administrator •State Ancillary Services •State Supervisor
The following Classifications will not populate NRS Table 7, and should be used only for staff members whose funding does not come from state/federal dollars: •Clerical/Support •Other
Employment status |
Indicates the staff employment status; regular staff, contractor, volunteer, or volunteer tutor.
•Volunteer or Volunteer Tutor will populate NRS Table 7 as Unpaid Volunteers. •Contractor will not populate NRS Table 7.
Full-Time |
Indicates that the staff member is a full-time or part-time employee of your agency.
Start Date |
The date the staff member began employment at the agency. Class or workshop assignment dates must be on or after this date.
Years of Teaching Experience in Adult Education |
Required number of years of teaching experience in adult education. Required for all staff members, including those not designated as a local teacher. 0 is an acceptable option; the field cannot be left blank. This field should include only years of teaching experience in adult education; it should not include teaching experience in other types of education or administrative experience in adult education. This field should be manually updated every fiscal year if the teacher has increased their years of experience in adult education.
Should I enter the non-required fields?
When entering a record, it is good practice to enter all the information you have at the time of entry, whether the field is required or not, if you plan to track this data. This saves having to go back later and edit the record.
Potential Duplicate Message
When the person being added as a staff has another role in your agency, you will get the ‘Potential Duplicate’ message when the last and first name match an existing person. Click the message to verify if the person being added as a staff is a completely different person with the same name, or an existing person in your agency.
Opening a staff record
Staff records may be opened by double-clicking on the record, or by clicking the details icon on the row.