The Staff Data tab contains four individual panels that allow you to track staff assignments, workshop enrollments and attendance, and other information that may be tracked in your agency for daily program management.
Key Info Panel
The Key Info panel contains key data regarding the staff record, and is primarily populated based on information entered on the Intake Form. Fields with a red asterisk * are required fields, and edits to the Key Info panel will not be saved if any required fields are left blank through editing or deletion.
Editing within the panel can be done by opening the panel and typing directly into the field(s) you wish to edit. While making changes, the header and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled within the panel you are currently accessing.
Dropdown list fields at the Key Info panel that may be customized for your agency at Choice Lists:
Overall Status |
Choice Lists->VolunteerStatus
Staff Keyword |
Choice Lists->VolunteerKeyword
Mail Preference |
Choice Lists->MailingPreference
Other Phone Type |
Choice Lists->TelephoneType
Contact Preference |
Choice Lists->TelephoneContactPreference
Classification |
Choice Lists->JobClassification
Employment Status |
Choice Lists->HighestLevelofEducationCompleted
Department |
Choice Lists->Department |
Highest Education Completed |
Choice Lists->HighestLevelofEducationCompleted
Classification and Employment populate NRS Table 7. Any changes made to existing choice list items may result in staff not populating Table 7 correctly.
Overall Status
The staff Overall Status field may be selected from a dropdown, non-editable list, and must be manually updated as the status staff changes. The overall statuses for staff are active, on hold, and left. The overall status of active should be selected at the time of intake.
The staff overall status does not update automatically when a staff is assigned to a class or workshop, or when a staff completes an assignment. It is important to update the overall status of a staff member when they are no longer active or have left your agency. When a staff that left last fiscal year is marked left in the current fiscal year, you must go to the Staff History folder and update both the end date of the Active status and the start date of the Left status. This will prevent the staff from showing activity in the current fiscal year range and prevent NRS Table 7 from reporting staff incorrectly.
Comments Panel
The Comments panel allows comment records related to the staff to be added, edited, viewed or deleted.
The Comment Type dropdown list field may be customized at:
Choice Lists->StaffCommentType.
Credentials Panel
The Credentials panel allows credential or certification information related to the staff record to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Information entered into the Credentials panel will affect NRS Table 7.
Tracking staff credentials for NRS Table 7 became required effective 7-1-2012. This data must be entered for all staff members who were active in the fiscal year, even if they were not teachers.
The following credential/certification types are tracked on NRS Table 7:
•Adult Education
•Special Education
A staff member may have more than one credential type, and a record for each type should be entered. Both the Type and Date Earned are required for the information to correctly populate Table 7, which is a mandatory table if you do NRS reporting. If the staff member has additional certifications or credentials outside of the four tracked on Table 7, you should enter those based on your state or agency policy.
Reportable staff that do not have a credential entered in the staff Credentials folder will count on Table 7 as having No Certification. Staff with a Non-NRS credential type will also count on Table 7 as having No Certification.
A staff credential record for new staff must be entered with an earned date on a date on or prior to the staff start date in order for the staff to count on Table 7 in the correct columns in the current fiscal year. If not, and the staff continues into the next fiscal year and is still active, the credential will count on Table 7 in the next fiscal year. This is because a continuing staff that ‘crosses’ the fiscal year boundary will be counted as having a credential on the first day of the next fiscal year if a credential was entered in the previous fiscal year.
When a credential has been entered with an expiration date, this may affect the staff member's certification status at the beginning of subsequent fiscal years. The expiration date should be removed or updated, otherwise the staff will not count on Table 7 as being certified.
Custom Fields Panel
The Custom Fields panel allows custom fields to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Custom Fields are typically used when there are additional fields of data that you wish to track for your staff that are not already available elsewhere in the database.
Editing within the panel can be done by typing directly into a text field, entering a new date in a date field, or by adding a number in a numeric field. While making changes, the header, record indicator, and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled.
The key component in using Custom
Fields is to insure the consistency of data entered. It is a good idea to keep a
chart or spreadsheet available for all data entry personnel within your agency
so that everyone is using the same data in the same fields.
Materials Panel
The Material panel allows materials checked out to the staff to be viewed as records in read only format. Material records populate from the Material area and cannot be added, edited or deleted from the staff record; these actions must occur in the material record itself. Any additions or edits to the material data must also be made in the Material record.