The History tab contains three panels – Fiscal Year, Staff History and Work History.
Fiscal Year Panel
The Staff Fiscal Year panel allows you to track fiscal year summary information regarding the staff member for current and past fiscal years. Fiscal year summaries for staff began in the 2012-2013 fiscal year and are not available in years prior to that.
The Fiscal Year summary contains a summary of all fields in the staff record that populate NRS Table 7. A staff member will not populate NRS Tables 7 or Fiscal Year Based searches without a FY summary. Table 7 runs on the summary data, not the “raw” data in a staff record. This can result in variations between reports and searches if the fiscal year summaries are not updated.
LiteracyPro automatically creates fiscal year summaries once a month, but summaries may be created or updated manually at any time for a single staff record or group of staff records 200 or less.
The staff summary record contains:
Active |
Will be 1 if the staff was active in the fiscal year and an active record is in the staff history folder. If not, this will be 0. |
Employment Status Code |
101= Regular Staff |
Fulltime |
Will be 1 if the Full-time Yes is selected at the Staff Data tab in the Key Info panel. Will be 0 if Full-time No is selected. |
HasAdultEdCertification |
Will be 1 if the staff has a credential record with the type Adult Education. If not, this will be 0. |
HasCertification |
Will be 1 if the field Teacher Certification selection is Yes. If the field selection is No, this will be 0. |
HasK12Certification |
Will be 1 if the staff has a credential record with the type K-12. If not, this will be 0. |
HasSpecialEdCertification |
Will be 1 if the staff has a credential record with the type Special Education. If not, this will be 0. |
HasTESOLCertification |
Will be 1 if the staff has a credential record with the type TESOL. If not, this will be 0. |
JobClassification |
Displays the job classification selected at the time of intake or in the Staff->Key Info screen. |
LastFirstName |
First and last name of the staff member. |
UnpaidVolunteer |
Will be 1 if job classification is Volunteer or Volunteer Tutor. If not, this will be 0. |
YearsofExperienceInAdultEd |
Displays the number of years of experience in Adult Education entered in the field 'Years of Teaching Experience in Adult Education' or in the Staff->Key Info screen. |
Staff History Panel
The Staff History panel allows staff history related to the staff record to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Staff History will also be automatically populated by manual updates to the Overall Status field made at the Staff Data tab in the Key Info panel.
Work History Panel
The Work History panel allows the staff Work History to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Staff work history is optional and only needs to be entered if your agency tracks this information for reporting or funding purposes.
Except for ‘Employment Status,’ the dropdown list fields in the Work History record may be customized for your agency at Choice Lists.
Occupation |
Choice Lists->Occupation
Type of Employer |
Choice Lists->TypeOfCompany
Why can’t the dropdown Employment Status list be customized?
Employment Status is used in all work history records in all populations – not just staff – and is used for student outcome reporting on NRS Table 5. Allowing this list to be changed or customized may prevent students from reporting correctly on Table 5, since only specific employment statuses are reported. These statuses are identified by internal codes that are used in the student outcome searches and table searches, as well as the NRS Table 5 report.