The History tab contains two panels –Status History and Work History.
Status History Panel
Volunteer history records populate automatically when a volunteer record is added using the intake form, or the overall status is updated at the Key Info panel in an existing volunteer record. The start date of the first history record will be the same as the intake date. Note that Overall Status is not a required field on the volunteer intake page. If an overall status is not selected at intake, a history record will populate with the status ‘No Value Entered.’
When the volunteer overall status is edited at the Volunteer Data tab/Key Info panel, a new status history record will populate with the date the change was made.
Work History Panel
The Work History panel allows volunteer Work History records to be added, edited, viewed or deleted. Volunteer work history is optional and only needs to be entered if your agency tracks this information for reporting or funding purposes.
Except for ‘Employment Status,’ the dropdown list fields in the Work History record may be customized for your agency at Choice Lists.
Occupation |
Choice Lists->Occupation
Type of Employer |
Choice Lists->TypeOfCompany
Why can’t the dropdown Employment Status list be customized?
Employment Status is used in all work history records in all populations – not just volunteers – and is used for student outcome reporting on NRS Table 5. Allowing this list to be changed or customized may prevent students from reporting correctly on Table 5, since only specific employment statuses are reported. These statuses are identified by internal codes that are used in the student outcome searches and table searches, as well as the NRS Table 5 report.