Class Data Tab


The Class Data tab contains key data regarding the class record, and populates from information entered on the intake form.  Fields with a red asterisk * are required fields, and edits made at the Class Data tab will not be saved if any required fields are left blank through editing or deletion.


Editing can be done by typing directly into a text field, entering a new date in a date field, or by making a selection from a dropdown list. While making changes, the record indicator, and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled. 


Dropdown list fields at the Class Data tab, except for Program, may be customized for your agency at Choice Lists.



Choice Lists->Term



Choice Lists->ClassStatus


Class Keyword

Choice Lists->ClassKeyword



Choice Lists->InstructionalLevel



Choice Lists->Department           



Choice Lists->BuildingRoom




Choice Lists->ClassOrganization



Choice Lists->Location


Instructional Area

Choice Lists->InstructionalArea


Class Meets Requirement


Choice Lists->ClassMeetsRequirement


Language of Instruction


Choice Lists->Language