Workshop Enrollments Tab


The Workshop Enrollments tab allows you to enroll a staff into a workshop.  Staff may be enrolled into any workshop type except ‘New Tutor Training.’  Workshops are created at the Workshop tab, and may be created for professional development or workshops that relate to staff continuing education. 




There are two available views on the View dropdown list in the workshop enrollment header:

      Enrollments (default)

      Meeting Info


Click on the down arrow in the dropdown menu to display and select one of the available views.  The selected view will remain in place when using the record indicator at the top right to move forward or back to records within the Enrollments tab.


Both workshop enrollment views contain a combination of the following fields.  *indicates a required field:


*Enroll Date

The date the staff member was enrolled into the workshop.

*Start Date

The date the staff began in the workshop. This field will default to the workshop start date when the staff enrollment date is earlier than the workshop start date.  The start date will default to the enrollment date when the date is after the workshop start date. 

*End Date

The date the staff exited the workshop or the date the staff is scheduled to exit the workshop, generated from the workshop record end date


The end date must be between the workshop start and end dates.


Enrollment ID

Auto-generated workshop ID number found in the workshop record. 

Enroll Status

The enrollment status specific to the workshop.  This enrollment status is not the staff overall status.  


The term entered in the workshop record.


The title or name entered in the workshop record.

Workshop Type

The type of workshop into which the staff member is being enrolled.  (Staff cannot be enrolled into a New Tutor Training workshop.)

Days Present

Number of days with hours records for the staff member in the workshop.

Hours Earned

Number of hours earned by the staff member in the workshop.

Minimum Required Days

Indicates the workshop minimum number of required days that must be attended before completing the workshop.  Auto-generated from the workshop record.


Minimum Required Hours

Indicates the workshop minimum number of required hours that must be attended before completing the workshop.  Auto-generated from the workshop record.


Met Requirement

Indicates that the staff has met the minimum days and hours requirements to be eligible to complete the workshop.


Indicates the building and room where the workshop meets.  Auto-generated from the workshop record.


Indicates the days that the workshop meets. Auto-generated from the workshop record.


Indicates the time that the workshop meets. Auto-generated from the workshop record.

Creation Date

System-generated date indicating the date the enrollment record was entered in the database.


Click to open the enrollment record for editing.


Click to delete the enrollment record.  All student hours associated with the enrollment must be deleted before the enrollment record can be deleted.


Enroll a Staff in a Workshop


To enroll a staff in a workshop:


1.     Open the staff record and click the Workshop Enrollments tab.

2.     Click the Enroll button. 

3.     On the data chooser, select one or more workshops by checking the box on the row.  Only active workshops that the staff is not currently enrolled in will display on the data chooser.

4.     Enter an Enroll Date at the bottom left of the window, click Show Selected to display the selected workshops, or both.  (You do not have to click Show Selected – this is optional.)

5.     Show Selected allows you to enter a separate enrollment date in the field on the grid if multiple workshops have been selected.  The Enroll Date is highlighted in green, indicating an editable field.

6.     Click Enroll.


The Enroll button will be inactive until an enroll date is entered.


Editing and Deleting Workshop Enrollments


Click the Edit button to open a workshop enrollment record for viewing or editing. This will open the workshop enrollment record and allow you to make and save changes.  


The Delete button allows you to delete existing workshop enrollments. Before a workshop enrollment record can be deleted, all associated hours must be deleted first. 


Exiting a Staff Member from a Workshop


Exiting or completing a staff member from a workshop is done by editing the workshop enrollment record. Typically staff members are exited from a workshop enrollment when they have met all the requirements, or left without completing all requirements. 


To exit or complete a staff from a workshop enrollment:


1.     Click the Edit button.

2.     Select the status from the dropdown list. 

3.     Update the End Date to reflect when the staff exited or completed the enrollment.

4.     Click Save.