Tutor Data Tab


The Tutor Data tab contains seven individual panels that allow you to track tutor assignments, workshop enrollments and attendance, and other information that may be tracked in your agency for daily program management.


Key Info Panel


The Key Info panel contains key data regarding the tutor record, and is primarily populated based on information entered on the Intake Form. Fields with a red asterisk * are required fields, and edits to the Key Info panel will not be saved if any required fields are left blank through editing or deletion.


Editing within the panel can be done by opening the panel and typing directly into the field(s) you wish to edit. While making changes, the header and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled within the panel you are currently accessing.


Overall Status

At the time of intake, the tutor overall status will automatically be Prospective.  Certain statuses populate automatically, and others may be manually updated.


Prospective - from prospective, you can change to any of the following: 

Waiting (select manually) 
To be Oriented (select manually) 
Registered (automatic when tutor enrolled in Workshop with the Type 'New Tutor Training') 
Never Got Started (select manually) 

Waiting - from Waiting, you can change to any of the following: 
Never Got Started (select manually) 
On Hold (select manually) 
Active (automatic when tutor assigned to pair or group) 

To be Oriented - from To be Oriented, you can change to any of the following: 
Oriented (select manually) 
Prospective (select manually) 
Never Got Started (select manually) 

Oriented - from Oriented, you can change to any of the following: 
Registered (automatic when tutor enrolled in Workshop with the Type 'New Tutor Training') 
Waiting (select manually) 
Never got Started (select manually) 

Registered - from Registered, you can change to any of the following: 
Graduated (automatic when tutor completed from New Tutor Training workshop after having met the required number of days and hours for completion) 
Addl Training Reqd (automatic when tutor complete from New Tutor Training workshop after having met not the required number of days and hours for completion) 

Graduated - from Graduated, you can change to any of the following: 

Active (automatic when tutor assigned to pair or group) 
Waiting (select manually) 
Never Got Started (select manually) 

Addl Training Reqd - from Addl Training Reqd, you can change to any of the following: 
Registered (automatic when tutor enrolled in Workshop with the Type 'New Tutor Training') 
Never Got Started (select manually) 
Active - from Active, you can change to the following: 
On Hold - automatic when tutor is dissolved from last active pair or changed to inactive in last active group 

On Hold - from On Hold, you can change to any of the following: 
Waiting (select manually) 
Registered (automatic when tutor enrolled in Workshop with the Type 'New Tutor Training') 
Left (select manually) 
Active (automatic when tutor assigned to pair or group) 

Never Got Started - from Never Got Started, you can change to the following: 
Prospective (select manually) 

Left - from Left, you can change to any of the following: 
Prospective (select manually) 
To be Oriented (select manually) 
On Hold (select manually) 
Waiting (select manually) 
Active (automatic when tutor assigned to pair or group)

Preferences Panel


The Preferences panel allows tutor preference records to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. The Student tab also contains a Preferences panel for student preferences.  The intent of having this panel in both locations is to help match a student and tutor in a pair based on preferred days, times, location, etc.


To add a new preference, click the Add New Record button to open a new preference window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.


After entering the preference information, click Save to save the preference record and return to the Preferences panel, or Save and New to save the preference record and add additional preferences, until clicking Save on the final record. Click Cancel to return to the Preferences panel without saving the record.


To edit preferences, click the Edit button to the right of the record and make edits, then Save.


To delete comments, click the Delete button to the right of the record and verify that you wish to delete the record.



Each agency should decide how the Preference and Importance fields in the preferences record will be used to insure the consistency of data entered. It is a good idea to make the information available to all data entry personnel within your agency so that everyone is using the same data in the same fields.


Language Panel


The Language panel allows languages records to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. To add a new language, click the Add New Record button to open a new language window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.


After entering the language information, click Save to save the language record and return to the Language panel, or Save and New to save the language record and add additional records, until clicking Save on the final record. Click Cancel to return to the Language panel without saving the record.


To edit the language record, click the Edit button to the right of the record and make edits, then Save.


To delete a language record, click the Delete button to the right of the record and verify that you wish to delete the record.


The Language panel displays the following fields:



The date indicated for the language entry.


The language for which you are entering the language record.

Language Type

An indicated of the language type (correspondence, dominant, home) for the language record.


A checkbox for indicating if this is the native language of the tutor.


A checkbox for indicating if the tutor reads this language.


A checkbox for indicating if the tutor writes this language.


A checkbox for indicating if the tutor speaks this language.

Creation Date

System-generated date indicating the date the language record was entered in the database.


Click to open the language record for editing.


Click to delete the language record, after verification.



Materials Panel


The Material panel allows material records checked out to the tutor to be viewed. Material information populates automatically from the Materials tab and cannot be edited or deleted from the tutor record. New materials cannot be added from the tutor record or checked out/given away from the tutor record; these actions must occur in the Materials record itself.


Any additions or edits to materials data must be made from the Materials tab record.


Referrals Panel


The Referrals panel allows referrals made for or by the tutor to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.  To add a new referrals record, click the Add New Record button to open a new referrals window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.


After entering the referral information, click Save to save the referral record and return to the Referrals panel, or Save and New to save the record and add additional records, until clicking Save on the final record.  Click Cancel to return to the Referrals panel without saving the record.


To edit the referral record, click the Edit button to the right of the record and make edits, then Save.


The following fields display at the Referrals panel:



The date on which the referral was made or received.

Referral Type

The type of referral being made.

Referral Status

The status of the referral being made, typically if the agency is the referring or referral provider.


The cause for the referral being made.


The purpose for the referral being made.

Creation Date

System-generated date indicating the date the referral record was entered in the database.


Click to open the referral record for editing.


Click to delete the referral record, after verification.



Comments Panel


The Comments panel allows comments related to the tutor record to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.


To add a new comment, click the Add New Record button to open a new comments window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.


After entering the comment information, click Save to save the record and return to the Comments panel, or Save and New to save the current record and get a new window to add an additional record, until clicking Save on the final record. Click Cancel to return to the Comments panel without saving the record.


To edit the record, click the Edit button to the right of the comment record and make edits, then Save.


To delete, click the Delete button to the right of the comment record and verify that you wish to delete the record.


Pair Comments Panel


The Pair Comments panel displays comments related to the tutor’s matched pairs. Pair comments are entered in the pair record and cannot be added or edited from the Tutor record.