The Outcomes tab contains two panels:
•Goals and Achievements
Each panel allows you to track the student’s outcome measures for NRS Tables 5, 5a, 8, 9, 10, Family Literacy goals for NRS Table 8, and Secondary Outcome Measures for Table 11.
There are 4 cohorts that count on Tables 5, 5a, 8, 9, and 10. Students will be included in the cohort for follow-up if they meet the criteria for inclusion.
•Entered Employment
•Retained Employment
•Obtained a GED or Secondary School Diploma
•Entered Postsecondary Education or Training
Goals and Achievements
The Goals and Achievements panel allows you to track goals made by your student during or after their time at your agency.
Outcome measures – Entered Employment, Retained Employment, Obtained a GED or Secondary School Diploma, and Entered Postsecondary Education or Training – are not tracked as goals for purposes of Table 5. These are tracked as cohorts. If you wish to enter these measures as goals for state or other reporting, you may do so, but these measures as goals only do not populate NRS Table 5.
Other goals populate NRS Tables 8, 9, 10, and 11.
Table 8 (optional report) tracks the following additional goals for Family Literacy Programs:
1. Completed an Educational Functioning Level
2. Increased Involvement in Children’s Education
3. Help more frequently with school
4. Increased contact with children’s teachers
5. More involved in children’s school activities
6. Increased Involvement in Children’s Literacy Activities
7. Reading to Children
8. Visiting Library
9. Purchasing books or magazines
Table 9 (optional report) tracks the following additional goal for Workplace Literacy Programs:
1. Completed an Educational Functioning Level
Table 10 (optional report) tracks the following additional goal for Correctional Education Programs:
1. Completed an Education Functioning Level
Table 11 (optional report) tracks the following additional, secondary goals:
1. Achieved work-based project learner goal
2. Left public assistance
3. Achieved citizenship skills
4. Increased involvement in children’s education (regardless of whether the participant was in a family literacy program)
5. Increased involvement in children’s literacy activities
6. Voted or registered to vote
7. Increased involvement in community activities
To add a new goal, click the Add New Record button to open a new goal window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.
After entering the goal information, click Save to save the goal record and return to the Goals and Achievements panel, or Save and New to save the goal record and add additional goals, until clicking Save on the final record. Click Cancel to return to the Goals and Achievements panel without saving the record.
To edit goals, click the Edit button to the right of the record and make edits, then Save. Date Set cannot be edited. If you made a mistake entering the goal set date, you must delete the goal and reenter with the correct set date.
To delete goals, click the Delete button to the right of the record and verify that you wish to delete the record.
Goal Statuses
Active |
Used for all new goals set by the student in the current fiscal year that are not yet met.
Unmet |
Used to indicate if the student did not meet an active goal within the fiscal year. If the student continues in your program in the following fiscal year, the goal should be entered again as a new, active goal in the new fiscal year, after changing the old goal to Unmet.
A met date cannot be entered for goals with the status Unmet.
Met |
Used to indicate that the student met the goal.
Achievement |
This should be used if the student obtained an unintended outcome, or met a prior fiscal year goal. Unintended outcomes are goals that the student met without initially setting it as a goal. Goals are also considered achievements if the student set the goal in a prior fiscal year and met it in a later fiscal year.
Included in Survey: It is not necessary to check this box for NRS reporting. The box may be checked to indicate that the student was included in survey for your individual agency needs.
Responded to Survey: It is not necessary to check this box for NRS reporting. The box may be checked to indicate that the student responded to survey for your individual agency needs.
All Goals
If a student has multiple goals for the current fiscal, you may set all goals at one time by using the All Goals data form.
1. Click All Goals.
2. Enter the date set for the student goals, and date met if applicable. When a date met is entered, the status of the goal will be set to Met automatically.
3. Click Save.
Date Set cannot be after Date Met. There will be a message at the bottom of the data form if the dates conflict, and you will not be allowed to continue until the dates are corrected.
You are allowed to enter goals with a set date prior to the current fiscal year when you initially set goals using the All Goals data form. However, when you click All Goals again, only goals with a set date in the current fiscal year will display.