Student Demographics Tab


The Demographics tab contains six panels where student demographic information may be entered.  Most information will be on the Demographics panel, with optional information entered at the other panels if your agency tracks that information for reporting or funding purposes.


Demographics Panel


The Demographics panel contains the student’s demographic data, and is partially populated from information entered on the Intake Form. Fields with a red asterisk * are required fields, and edits to the Demographics panel will not be saved if any required fields are left blank through editing or deletion.


The Demographics panel contains the following fields (some databases may be customized with additional fields, but the following fields are available in all databases).



Male or Female, entered on the Intake form.  Populates NRS Tables 1, 2, and 12

*Is this student Hispanic/Latino (Ethnicity)

Indication of student’s ethnic origin as Hispanic/Latino, entered on the intake form. Required, in addition to a Race selection. Populates NRS Tables 1, 2, and 12.


For additional information, see the NRS Tips for Race and Ethnicity:

Race checkboxes

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander



Indication of student’s race entered on the Intake form. Student may self-identify.  At least one race must be selected.  If multiple selections are made, the student will count as Two or More Races unless Hispanic/Latino has been selected as the student’s ethnicity.  Populates NRS Tables 1, 2, and 12.


Student’s birthdate, entered on the Intake form.


Auto-generated and updated annually based on the student’s birthdate.  Populates NRS Tables 2, 3, and 12.

Birthdate Verification

Optional field to indicate that the birthdate has been verified.


Optional field indicating the birthplace of the student.

City of Birth

Optional field indicating the birth city of the student.

Born outside US

Optional field to indicate if the student was born outside of the US.

Country of Birth

Optional field for student’s Country of Birth.

Registered Voter

Optional field to indicate if the student is a registered voter.


Optional field to indicate if the student is an immigrant.

US Citizen

Optional field to indicate if the student is a US Citizen.

F1 Visa

Optional field to indicate if the student has an F1 Visa.

Country of Citizenship

Optional field to indicate student’s Country of Citizenship.


Optional field to indicate if student is homeless, entered on the intake form.  Populates NRS Table 6, In Program for the Homeless, if checked.  

*Residence Area

Student’s residence area – either rural or urban – entered on the intake form.


Residence area is defined by the NRS as:

Rural - a population of less than 2,500 that is not near any metropolitan area.

Urban- a population greater than 50,000, or in a city with adjacent areas of high density.

Public Assistance

Optional field to indicate if student is on public assistance.

Economic Disadvantage

Optional field to indicate if student is economically disadvantaged, entered on the intake form.  Populates NRS Table 6, Low Income, if checked.

Dislocated Worker

Optional field to indicate if student is a dislocated worker, entered on the intake form.  Populates NRS Table 6, Dislocated Worker, if checked.

Displaced Homemaker

Optional field to indicate if student is a displaced homemaker, entered on the intake form.  Populates NRS Table 6, Displaced Homemaker, if checked.

Migrant Worker

Optional field to indicate if student is a migrant worker. 

Marital Status

Optional field.

Parents’ Highest Education Completed

Optional field.

Military Service Experience

Optional field.

Family Income Range

Optional field.

Number of Dependents

Optional field.

Minor with Adult Status

Optional field.

Single Parent or Guardian

Optional field to indicate if student is a single parent or guardian, entered on the intake form.  Populates NRS Table 6, Single Parent, if checked.

At Risk

Optional field to indicate if student is at risk.


Optional field to indicate if student has substance abuse issues.


Optional field to indicate if student is in a correction institution or program.


If Yes, Yes-County, Yes-State, or Yes-Federal are selected, the student will populate NRS Table 6 as In Correctional Facilities.


If Yes-Community is selected, the student will populate NRS Table 6 as In Community Correctional Programs.


Optional field to indicate if student is a resident in an Institutional Setting. Populates NRS Table 6, In Other Institutional Setting.



Disability Panel


The Disability panel contains the student’s disability information.


Editing within the panel can be done by opening the panel and typing directly into the field(s) you wish to edit. While making changes, the header and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled within the panel you are currently accessing.


The Disability panel contains the following fields (some databases may have customizations that result in slight variance):


Informed Disclosure Not Required

Optional field to indicate Informed Disclosure requirements.

Apparent or Disclosed Disability

Optional field to indicate Apparent or Disclosed Disability, entered at intake.

Vision Impaired

Optional field to indicate visual impairment.

Legally Blind

Optional field to indicate legally blind status.

Hearing Impaired

Optional field to indicate hearing impairment.


Optional field to indicate deafness.

Speech Impaired

Optional field to indicate speech impaired.


Optional field to indicate muteness.


Optional field to indicate paralysis disability.

Nonparalytic Orthopedic

Optional field to indicate non-paralytic orthopedic disability.

Missing Extremities

Optional field to indicate missing extremities.

Specific Learning Disability

Optional field to indicate a specific learning disability, entered at intake.


Family Members Panel


Displays family member data in read only format.  ‘Family Name’ is a linkable field that takes you to the family record.


Health Data Panel


The Health Data panel contains the student’s health information.


Editing within the panel can be done by opening the panel and typing directly into the field(s) you wish to edit. While making changes, the header and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled within the panel you are currently accessing.


The Health Data panel contains the following fields (some databases may have customizations that result in slight variance):


Medical Condition

Optional text field to indicate any medical condition which the agency chooses to track.

Medical Treatment

Optional text field to indicate any medical treatment options which the agency chooses to track.

Health Care Required at School

Optional text field to indicate any health care required at the agency which the agency chooses to track.


Optional text field to indicate any allergies which the agency chooses to track.

Vision Evaluation

Optional text field to indicate vision evaluation results or notes which the agency chooses to track.

Hearing Evaluation

Optional text field to indicate hearing evaluation results or notes which the agency chooses to track.

Speech and Language Evaluation

Optional text field to indicate speech and language evaluation results or notes which the agency chooses to track.

Special Diet Considerations

Optional text field to indicate any special diet considerations which the agency chooses to track.

Non-Medical Therapy

Optional text field to indicate any non-medical therapy which the agency chooses to track.


Optional dropdown menu to track student handedness.



Identification Panel


The Identification panel allows identification records related to the student to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.


An identification record for social security number will populate in the identification panel after the student is entered into the database, whether a social security number was entered on the intake page or not. This record may be edited, and a SSN added or removed, but the social security record itself cannot be deleted.  If your agency does not track student social security numbers, then this record may be ignored.


The following fields display at the identification data grid panel:


Start Date

The student’s intake date, unless edited in the record.

Identification Type

The type of identification.

Document or ID Number

Text field to enter the document name and/or document number.  The social security number would be entered into this field.

Creation Date

System-generated date indicating the date the identification record was entered in the database.


Click to open the identification record for editing.


Click to delete the identification record, after verification.


Corrections Panel


The Corrections panel allows correctional records related to the student to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.


Editing within the panel can be done by opening the panel and typing directly into the field(s) you wish to edit. While making changes, the header and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled within the panel you are currently accessing.