The Student Data tab contains six individual panels that allow you to track assessments, enrollments, hours, and other information that may be tracked in your agency for NRS reporting or daily program management.
Key Info Panel
The Key Info panel contains key data regarding the student record, and is primarily populated based on information entered on the Intake Form. Fields with a red asterisk * are required fields, and edits made at the Key Info panel will not be saved if any required fields are left blank through editing or deletion.
Editing within the panel can be done by typing directly into a text field, entering a new date in a date field, or by making a selection from a drop down list. While making changes, the header, record indicator, and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled.
Some fields have specific purposes, whether they are required at intake or on the Key Info Panel. For example, ‘Student Unique Number’ is not a required field in LACES NexGen, but some clients require their agencies to enter this data. If you are not sure which data you should collect in addition to the data in required fields, contact your agency or state director.
Intake date
Intake date refers to the date a student was first entered into LACES NexGen, or the date the student first entered your program, as determined by your agency. Intake date should not be updated each year the student is in your program. This is important because other functionality is tied to the intake date.
If a data entry error was made, the intake date can be corrected, but the following applies:
Work History |
The student’s first work history record automatically populates with the employment status and intake date entered on the intake form. Work history records are used to place a student in an employment cohort when they leave your program.
When the intake date and first work history record date are the same, the work history record date will update if the intake date is changed.
Enrollment |
The intake date cannot be changed to a date prior to the student’s first enrollment date.
The Overall Status field is primarily auto-populated based on the enrollment status of the student in classes, groups, workshops, or pairs. Some statuses may be manually changed. Overall Status can be customized at Choice Lists for your agency by creating a new status, but renaming a system status is not recommended or supported.
Overall Status |
Choice Lists->Status |
Some databases have a customized list of overall status options, and Status has been removed from Choice Lists. Status cannot be modified by the end user, but can be modified by LiteracyPro Systems if requested by the state director.
System Status
Prospective |
Automatically populates at the time of intake.
The overall status may be manually changed from Prospective to the following system statuses:
To Be Oriented Waiting Completed Program Left Never Attended Dropped Dismissed
Active or Enrolled |
Automatically populates when a student is enrolled in a class, group, or workshop, or matched in a pair from the following system statuses:
Prospective Waiting Left On hold Never Attended Completed Program
If a prospective student is enrolled in a class, group, or workshop where the maximum enrollment has been reached, the student overall status will update to Waiting if that is the student’s only enrollment.
Left or On Hold |
Automatically populates when a student has been completed from all their enrollments and all their pairs have been dissolved. Overall Status will update to Left (ABE agencies) or On Hold (literacy agencies).
The overall status may be manually changed from Left to the following system statuses:
Completed Program Dismissed Transferred
Completing a student from only one class, group, workshop or pair will not update their Overall Status when the student has multiple enrollments.
Comments Panel
The Comments panel allows comment records related to the student to be added, edited, viewed or deleted.
The Comment Type dropdown list field in the student comments record may be customized at:
Choice Lists->CommentType.
Pair Comments Panel
The Pair Comments panel displays comments related to the student’s matched pairs. Pair comments are entered in the pair record and cannot be added or edited from the Student record.
Custom Fields Panel
The Custom Fields panel allows custom fields to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Custom Fields are typically used when there are additional fields of data that you wish to track for your students that are not already available elsewhere in the database.
Editing within the panel can be done by typing directly into a text field, entering a new date in a date field, or by adding a number in a numeric field. While making changes, the header, record indicator, and other tabs will become inactive until the changes have been saved or cancelled.
The key component in using Custom
Fields is to ensure the consistency of data entered. It is a good idea to keep a
chart or spreadsheet available for all data entry personnel within your agency
so that everyone is using the same data in the same fields.
Personal Data Panel
The Personal Data panel allows personal data records to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.
The fields in the personal
data record are labeled Type, Property, and Value. Each agency should
decide how these fields will be used to insure the consistency of data entered.
It is a good idea to make the information available to all data entry personnel
within your agency so that everyone is using the same data in the same fields.
Preferences Panel
The Preferences panel allows student preference records to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. The Tutor tab also contains a Preferences panel for tutor preferences. The intent of having this panel in both locations is to help match a student and tutor in a pair based on preferred days, times, location, etc.
Each agency should decide how the Preference and
Importance fields in the preferences record will be used to insure the
consistency of data entered. It is a good idea to make the information available
to all data entry personnel within your agency so that everyone is using the
same data in the same fields.