Alerts are drilldown searches that run on current fiscal year student records.
Students not assessed within [X] days of intake
Requires a parameter. Enter the number of days to find students not assessed within [x] number of days, starting from yesterday’s date, since intake. Finds:
•Students whose overall status is prospective, OR
•Students whose assessment status is ‘Never assessed’ or ‘Never assessed this FY.’
Enrolled students with no instructional hours in [x] days
Requires a parameter. Enter the number of days to find currently enrolled students with no instructional hours, starting from yesterday’s date, within [x] number of days. Finds:
•Students with ‘Enrolled’ status in a class or group where start/end date touches the fiscal year, OR
•Students in an active pair.
Students eligible for post testing
No parameter required. Finds:
•Students who have met the recommended number of hours by assessment.
Students requiring survey for entered and retained employment cohorts
No parameter required. Finds:
•Students who are in the ‘Retained Employment’ or ‘Entered Employment’ cohorts and are ready for follow-up in the quarter in which the alert is generated.
Students requiring survey for the obtained a GED or secondary school diploma cohort
No parameter required. Finds:
•Students who are in the Obtained a GED or secondary school diploma cohort with the outcome status ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ but ‘Responded to Survey’ is not checked.
The follow up quarter is based on left date and reporting period. Students whose follow-up quarter has passed when the alert is generated will not display in the alert.