There are three panels at the Student Services tab. All information entered at this tab is optional, and has no bearing on NRS reports, but may be entered if your agency tracks that information for reporting or funding purposes.
Accommodations Panel
The Accommodations panel allows accommodations made for the student to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. To add a new accommodation record, click the Add New Record button to open a new accommodations window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.
Referrals Panel
The Referrals panel allows referrals made for the student to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. To add a new referrals record, click the Add New Record button to open a new referrals window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.
Social Services Panel
The Social Services panel allows social services provided for the student to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. To add a new social services record, click the Add New Record button to open a new social services window. Other areas of the database will be inactivated until the record is saved or cancelled.