The student area is the default starting page when you sign into LACES NexGen, however, you may set a different starting page. If you have access to multiple agencies within a client, the default start page is in effect in all agencies. You may also set the number of rows to display on the grid at the main areas. The default number of rows is 200, but this may be set for up to 1000 rows.
1. Select Profile from the account icon menu.
2. At the Settings tab, select the start page.
3. Change the number of display rows.
4. Click Save.
The number of display rows will update on the grid when you click an area. You will see the default start page change the next time you sign in.
Why is the display row default set for 200?
200 is the optimal display row setting. Additionally, fiscal year summary records for students and staff may be created or updated in groups of 200 or fewer records, so the default row setting does not need to be changed in order to run fiscal year summaries.
Even though you may set your displays rows to 1000, keep in mind that it takes longer to process 1000 display rows than it does to process 200 displays rows.
Password, email address, and security question and answer may be updated at the Security tab.