The ‘Searches’ link above the grid will open or close the left pane to display the available predefined and templated searches for that area. The searches display by category and are collapsed by default. To expand a category to show the searches by name, click the arrow in front of the category, then click the search you wish to use.
A predefined search is one that runs on the selection as soon as you select the search name. Typically these are searches that require complex queries that are difficult for the user to create. For example, the student search ‘Posttest Level Lower than Current Level’ involves a query that must first find students who have been pre and post tested in a particular subject area, but did not advance an EFL, and the posttest EFL is lower than the pretest EFL. This is not a search that can be constructed from the front end of the system.
Predefined searches do not have parameters or search criteria that can be changed, even though there is an edit icon on the tile. When you click the edit icon, you will get the message: ‘This search contains no parameters.’
Templated searches allow you to enter specific field search values on a template, and allow you to enter as little or as much search criteria as you wish. For example, the ‘Quick Select’ searches are templated searches.
As you move the mouse over a search title in the list, Add and Replace buttons will display. The buttons allow you to add a new search or replace an existing search. All searches display at the top of the grid as a tile, which allows you to edit or remove the search.
When you click the Add button next to a search title, or click the title, the search will be added to the search tiles already in place.
For example, Current Fiscal Year will always be the default search when you sign in and go to the Student area. The tile may be deleted to display all students, and any other search you apply at the student grid will remain in place as long as you are signed in.
Adding a templated search at the Student Area with the Current Fiscal year tile
1. Click the ‘Searches’ link to open the left pane.
2. Click the arrow on the General category to expand the searches.
3. Move the mouse over the search ‘Student Quick Select.’
4. Click the Add button, or click the search title.
5. A window will display that allows you to enter search values by status, keyword, level, program, instructional hours since last assessment in subject area, or days since last hours date. You may search by all or a combination of fields, but you must enter at least one.
6. Click the Apply button. Notice that the Apply button will not display until at least one search criteria is entered.
7. At the top of the grid you will see a tile for Student Quick Select after the Current Fiscal Year tile.
8. ‘And’ displays on the ‘Current Fiscal Year’ and ‘Student Quick Select’ tiles. This indicates that the students who display on the grid are current fiscal year students, and also meet the search criteria entered on the ‘Student Quick Select’ search. You may click this button to change the operator to ‘or,’ ‘and not,’ or ‘or not.’ Changing the operator will change the records returned in the search.
Replacing a search
1. Click the arrow on the General category to expand the searches.
2. Move the mouse over the search ‘Student Quick Select.’
3. Click the Replace button.
4. A new ‘Student Quick Select’ window will open.
5. Enter the search criteria.
6. Click Apply.
7. Notice that now the ‘Current Fiscal Year’ tile has been removed, and only the ‘Student Quick Select’ tile displays. When you select ‘Replace,’ you are replacing all search tiles currently in place with the new search.
To remove the existing search and reapply the ‘Current Fiscal Year’ tile, click the X on the ‘Student Quick Select’ search tile or click the ‘x Remove Search’ link, expand the NRS category, and click the Add button next to ‘Current Fiscal Year’ or click the search title.