Pair Toolbar


The toolbar at the pair grid allows you to:


      Add new pair

      Make a selection

      Export to CSV

      Run Reports


To add a new pair record, click the Add New Pair icon to display the pair intake form:


1.     Select a student from the data chooser on the left.  All students will display on the data chooser.

2.     Select a tutor from the data chooser on the right.

3.     Tutors whose status is Never Got Started, Prospective, Registered, To Be Oriented, Oriented, or Additional Training Required cannot be matched in a pair and will not display on the tutor data chooser.

4.     At the bottom of the window, enter the match date and program.  Both are required fields.

5.     Keyword, Weekly Time, and Location are optional fields.  These may be entered in the pair record if they are not entered at the time of intake.

6.     Click Create Pair.

7.     You may also click Create Pair and New to save the record and get a blank intake form so you can add another pair record, or click Cancel without creating the pair.


Opening a Pair detail record


Pair records may be opened by double-clicking on the record, or by clicking the details icon on the row.