The Instructor tab allows you to assign an instructor to a class. Only staff may be assigned to teach a class.
There are two available views on the View dropdown list at the Instructor tab.
•Instructor Info (default)
•Instructor Contact
Click on the down arrow in the dropdown menu to display and select one of the available views. The selected view will remain in place when using the record indicator at the top right to move forward or back to records within the Instructor tab.
Both instructor views contain a combination of the following fields.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name |
The name of the instructor assigned to the class. |
Assign Status |
The status of the instructor, either Active or Inactive. |
Assign Date |
The date the instructor was assigned to the class. The assign date must be between the class start and end dates. |
Start Date |
The date the instructor began their assignment in the class. This field will default to the class start date when instructor’s assign date is prior to the class start date. The start date will default to the assign date when the date is after the class start date.
End Date |
The date the instructor’s assignment ended in the class, or the date the instructor is scheduled to end their assignment.
The end date must be between the class start and end dates.
Primary |
Indicates whether the instructor is the primary instructor. Only one instructor may be the primary.
Address 1
Populated from the staff record. |
Address 2 |
Populated from the staff record.
City |
Populated from the staff record.
State |
Populated from the staff record.
Zip |
Populated from the staff record.
Home Phone |
Populated from the staff record.
Mobile Phone |
Populated from the staff record.
Work Phone |
Populated from the staff record.
Populated from the staff record.
Creation Date |
System-generated date indicating the date the enrollment record was entered in the database. |
Edit |
Click to open the enrollment record for editing. |
Delete |
Click to delete the enrollment record. All hours associated with the enrollment must be deleted before the enrollment record can be deleted. |
To assign an instructor into a class:
1. Open the class record and click the Instructor tab.
2. Click the Assign button.
3. On the data chooser, select one or more staff by checking the box on the row. Only active staff will display on the data chooser.
4. Enter an Assign Date at the bottom left of the window, click Show Selected to display the selected staff, or both. (You do not have to click Show Selected – this is optional.)
5. Show Selected allows you to enter a separate assignment date in the field on the grid if multiple staff have been selected. The Assign Date is highlighted in green, indicating an editable field.
6. Click Assign Instructor.
The Assign button will be inactive until an Assign date is entered.
When multiple staff are selected, the first staff will be the primary instructor. To change the primary, open the instructor record where primary is No. Check the Primary Assignment checkbox and Save.
You cannot uncheck Primary Assignment in a primary instructor record.