The History tab contains six panels where student history information may be entered. Student employment cohort information is populated from the Work History panel, and other student history records populate automatically and cannot be edited or deleted.
The Address History panel allows the student’s primary address history to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.
When you enter a new student, the field ‘Phone at Address’ does not display on the intake page. This field will be blank when you open the student record and go to Key Info. However, when you enter a phone number in the field and save, it is included as part of the student’s primary address history record.
A primary address record will be created in the Address History panel whether an address was entered at intake or not, and the record will be designated as the primary address. A primary address history record may be edited, but cannot be deleted. Address information added at the Student Key Info panel will automatically populate or update the primary address record. Conversely, address information entered or edited in the primary Address History record will automatically populate or update the address information in the Key Info panel.
If the student moves, but you want to keep a history of the student's addresses, you may enter a new record at the Address History panel (instead of updating the address fields), and include Phone at Address. Check Primary Address. This will update the Student Key Info; primary address always populates the address fields at student key info, and the Phone at Address field is tied to the primary address.
There must always be at least one address
history record designated as the primary address. The primary address
record cannot be deleted.
Why is there a separate ‘Phone at Address’ field for the primary address when I’ve already entered the student’s home phone number?
The primary address may or may not be the address where the student currently resides. For example, a student may indicate a parent’s address as their primary address where they wish to receive mail, and indicate the phone number for that particular address. The student’s home phone number may be the number where the student actually resides. The agency should decide how they plan to enter and use student contact information.
Enrollment Program History Panel
The Enrollment Program History panel allows program history related to the student enrollments to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Initial enrollment program history records automatically populate from the class, group, workshop, or pair program when the student is enrolled or matched in a pair. The enrollment program history record will reflect the student’s start date or match date. If the student is enrolled in multiple instructional settings that have the same program, only one enrollment program history record will populate, with the first enrollment start date.
Fiscal Year Panel
The student Fiscal Year panel allows you to track summary fiscal year information regarding the student for current and past fiscal years. Fiscal year summaries for students began in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.
The Fiscal Year summary contains a summary of all fields in the student record that populate the NRS Tables. A student will not populate the NRS Tables, or NRS or Fiscal Year Based searches without a fiscal summary. The NRS reports and searches, and all Fiscal Year Based searches run based on the summary data, not the “raw” data in a student record. This can result in variations between reports and searches if the FY summaries are not updated.
LiteracyPro automatically creates fiscal year summaries once a month, but summaries may be created or updated manually at any time for a single staff record or group of staff records 200 or less.
Level History Panel
The Level History panel allows level history related to the student record to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted. Level history records populate automatically when a level defining assessment is entered at the Assessment tab.
Overall Status History Panel
An overall status history record is populated when:
•The student record is entered.
•The first assessment is entered.
•The student’s overall status changes.
•The student’s program changes.
When a student whose overall status is ‘left’ and the student is then re-enrolled into a class or group, a record will populate with the note ‘Re-enroll.’
Work History Panel
The Work History panel allows the student Work History to be entered, edited, viewed or deleted.
The initial work history record is populated at the time of the student intake, and the start date of the work history record will be the same as the student intake date.
Students are placed in an employment cohort based on their employment status at entry and whether or not the student is continuous or re-entering.
Continuing Students
A student is ‘continuous’ if the student continues from one FY to the next with no 90-day gap in hours that cross fiscal years. For continuous students, program entry is the student intake date. When a 'continuous' student leaves the program, the student will be placed in an employment cohort according to their employment status at intake. The student may have additional work history records, but the employment status at the time of intake will determine the employment cohort.
Re-entering Students
Students who have a 90- (or more) day gap in hours that crosses the FY boundary are considered to be ‘re-entered.’ The hours date in the FY in which the student returns will be the ‘re-entry date.’ When a 're-entering' student leaves the program, the most recent work history record from the re-entry date will determine the employment cohort.
IMPORTANT NOTE: While student work history records may be deleted, it is not advisable to do so. Work history is required, and a student will not populate the NRS Tables if they have a missing or invalid work history record. The work history record should be continuous; old work history records should not be deleted when a new record is entered. The initial work history record Start Date should match the Intake Date of the student, and any changes in the employment status should be recorded with the Start Date on which the new status began.