Family members and their relationship within the family may be added at the Family Members tab. Existing students may be added as a family member, or new family members may be added who are not already entered as a student.
There are two available views at the Family Members grid:
•Family Info (default view)
•Family Contact Info
Adding an existing student to a family record:
1. Click the dropdown arrow on the Add Family Member: field.
2. Click ‘From Student List.’
3. Select the student to be added.
4. Select ‘Role’ from the dropdown list at the bottom left.
5. Click Add Family Members.
If multiple students have been selected, click Show Selected to display a second grid. The ‘Role’ field is editable on the grid to allow you to select the appropriate family role for each selected student.
The Add Family Members button will not be activated unless a role has been selected.
You may link from the student record at
the Demographics tab/Family Members panel to the family record.
Adding a new family member:
1. Click the dropdown arrow on the Add Family Member: field.
2. Click ‘New Family Member.’
3. Enter the fields on the form. Last Name, First Name, Gender, and Birthdate are required fields.
4. Click Save.
Editing a family member record:
1. Click the details icon on the row.
When the family member is an existing student, editing or updating ‘Last Name,’ ‘First Name,’ ‘Middle Name,’ ‘Gender,’ ‘Birthdate,’ ‘Mobile Phone,’ ‘Home Phone,’ or ‘Work Phone’ will also change in the student record, and vice versa.
Only one family member record may have ‘Head of Household’ and ‘Emergency Contact’ selected. When these fields are checked in a record and saved, the fields will automatically uncheck in any records where these were previously checked.