Enrollment Dashboard Widgets


Enrolled Students with No Instructional Hours in [X] Days – by Current EFL


Displays students, by current EFL, with the overall status of enrolled but with no instructional hours in the past [x] days, starting from yesterday’s date.  Hours records with 0 hours are counted as no instructional hours.


Students who meet the widget criteria will display by their current EFL – not the entry EFL. 



Students Enrolled – Actual vs. Target



      Displays the state enrollment target.  If no target has been set, this will be 0.


Enrolled to Date

      Students who have at least one instructional hour in the current FY, regardless of overall status.

      Includes instructional hours from classes, groups, pairs, and unlinked hours.


NRS fundable to date

      Students who are 16+ years of age at intake, and

      Have 12+ instructional hours from class, group, pair, or unlinked hours, regardless of overall status, and

      Assessed at least once in the current FY.


Non-NRS fundable students

      At least one instructional hour in the current FY.

      No assessment OR less than 12 hours in the current FY, regardless of overall status.


The total number of students on the second and third bars will equal the number of students on the first bar.