Drop Student


Students with multiple enrollments who have no plans to continue with your program may be dropped from all of their enrollments by using the Drop Student toolbar icon.  This eliminates the need to edit each enrollment record individually, although that method can be used as well.


Dropping a student will update all of their current enroll statuses in a class, group, or workshop to Left, and will update all of their pair statuses to Dissolved.  When pair enrollments are dropped, the pair assignment in the tutor record will also update.


Only enrollments with the enroll status of Enrolled can be changed by using Drop Student.


Dropping a student


1.     Open the student record.

2.     Click the Drop Student toolbar icon.

3.     A grid will display with the student’s current enrollments and the student’s last hours date.

4.     Check the enrollments to drop, or check the top checkbox on the left of the grid to select all enrollments.

5.     The ‘End Date for All’ field will display the last hour’s date. You may use this date, if appropriate, or enter a new date in the ‘End Date for All’ field and check the checkbox.  The end date will update on the enrollments.

6.     You may also edit the end date on each row without checking ‘End Date for All.’

7.     Click Save.

8.     All class, group, or workshop enrollments will update the enroll status to Left, and all pairs will update to Dissolved.

9.     If all enrollments have been dropped, the student overall status will update to Left (ABE clients) or On Hold (literacy clients).


End Date must be today’s date or earlier, but between the class, group, or workshop start and end dates, or after the pair match date if no pair hours have been entered, or after the pair start date.