Assessment Dashboard Widgets


Level Completion by EFL


% - Negotiated Target

      The level completion target negotiated between the state and the NRS.  (Please refer to your state assessment policy.)


% Level Gain – My Agency

      The percentage of current FY NRS fundable students who made a level gain by EFL based on the state negotiated target for each level. 

      Drill down to the list of students.


For example: 

The state’s negotiated level gain target for entry EFL Low Adult Secondary is 37%.  The number of students whose entry level was Low Adult Secondary is 112.  Forty-three of those students made a level gain.  The percentage of students making a level gain is 39% (rounded to the nearest percent).  The negotiated target for entry level Low Adult Secondary has been exceeded.


The target will be 0 when a negotiated target has not been set.



% Level Gain -  State Average

      The average percentage gain for a particular level for the entire state.  This allows you to see how your agency compares with the state average. 

      No drill down.


Post Test Eligible by EFL


Eligible for post test

      Students who have been pre-tested, and have earned enough instructional hours by assessment instrument to be post tested, and

      Students who have been post tested with no level gain, and have earned enough instructional hours by assessment instrument to be post tested again.

      Drill down to the list of students.


Eligible for post test/no level gain in current FY

      Students who have been post tested with no level gain, and have earned enough instructional hours by assessment instrument to be post tested again.

      This bar is a subset of the first bar; students who are included on this bar are also included on the first bar. 

      Drill down on this bar will be available in a future beta.


# students required to be post tested to meet state target

      The number of students with a particular entry level who need to be post tested to meet the state target. 

a.  For example, 13 students have the entry level of ABE Beginning.   If your state posttest target is 60%, then a total of 8 students out of the 13 will need to be post tested to meet the target.  Since 4 students have already been post tested, your agency currently needs an additional 4 students to be post tested.

      No drill down.


Note that the number may change throughout the current FY as new students enter your program and are pre-tested.

The state posttest target is set by the state, and is typically an overall posttest target – not a posttest target for each individual EFL. 


Post Test Eligible by EFL Within [X] Instructional Hours


Eligible for posttest within X hours

      Students who have been pre-tested, and are within a specific number of hours by assessment instrument to be post tested. 

a.  For example, 40 hours are typically required between TABE assessments.  Students who have 30 – 39 instructional hours will display when the parameter is set for ‘within 10 instructional hours.’  (Note that at 40 hours the student will display on the widget ‘Post Test Eligible by EFL.’)

      Drill down to the list of students.


Eligible for posttest within X hours/no level gain in current FY

      Students who have been post tested with no level gain, and are within a specific number of hours by assessment instrument to be post tested again. 

      This bar is a subset of the first bar; students who are included on this bar are also included on the first bar. 

      Drill down on this bar will be available in a future beta.


Note that the number may change throughout the current FY as new students enter your program and are pre-tested.


Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Current FY


Overall Post Test Rate – My Agency [X] %

      The average percentage of students who have been post tested across all EFLs.  The percentage is based on the number of students with 12+ instructional hours who have been pre-tested, divided by the number of students with at least 12 instructional hours who have been post tested at least once in the current FY. 

      Entry levels High Adult Secondary and Completed Advanced ESL are not included in the calculation.  


State Post Test Rate

      The posttest target set by your state.


% Students Post Tested – My Agency

      The percentage of students post tested by EFL.  Only students with at least 12 instructional hours in the current FY are included. 

      Drill down to the list of students.


% Students Post Tested – State Average

      Displays the average posttest percentage for a particular level for the entire state.  This allows you to see how your agency compares with the state average. 

      No drill down.


Post Test Percentage Rate Over the Past Two Fiscal Years


State Post Test Rate

      The posttest target set by your state.


Overall percentage of post tested students this FY – My Agency

      First bar:  percentage of students post tested in the current FY in your agency.  Note that this percentage will be the same as the ‘Overall Post Test Rate – My Agency’ in the widget ‘Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Current FY.’  Drill down to the list of students.

      Second Bar:  percentage of students post tested in the previous FY.  This percentage is based on the number of instructional hours and the entry level in the student’s previous FY summary.  Drill down on this bar will be available in a future beta.


Overall percentage of post tested students this FY:  State

      Third bar:  average posttest percentage of students post tested in the current FY for the entire state.  No drill down.

      Fourth bar:  average posttest percentage of students post tested for the previous FY for the entire state.  No drill down.



Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Past Two Fiscal Years


Average Post Test Rate – Current FY:  [X]%

      Average percentage of students who have been post tested across all EFLs.  The percentage is based on the number of students with 12+ instructional hours who have been pre-tested, divided by the number of students with at least 12 instructional hours who have been post tested at least once in the current FY. 

      Entry levels High Adult Secondary and Completed Advanced ESL are not included in the calculation. 

      This percentage will match the ‘Overall Post Test Rate – My Agency’ percentage on the widget ‘Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Current FY.’


Average Post Test Rate – Previous FY: [X]%

      Percentage of students post tested in the previous FY.  This percentage is based on the number of instructional hours and the entry level in the student’s previous FY summary.

      This percentage will match the ‘Overall percentage of post tested students last FY’ on the widget ‘Post Test Percentage Rate Over the Past Two Fiscal Years.’


% Students Post Tested Current FY

      Percentage of students post tested by EFL in the current FY in your agency. 

      These percentages by EFL will be the same as ‘% Students Post Tested – My Agency’ in the widget ‘Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Current FY.’


% Students Post Tested Previous FY

      Percentage of students post tested by EFL in the previous FY.  This percentage is based on the number of instructional hours and the entry level in the student’s previous FY summary.

      The percentages by EFL will be the same as the ‘% Students Post Tested – My Agency’ in the widget ‘Post Test Percentage Rate by EFL Current FY.’


Minimum Recommended Hours between Assessments

(For more information:



Minimum recommended hours


40 hours



50 hours



40 hours with the following EFLs:

Beginning Lit ABE

Beginning ABE

Low Intermediate ABE

High Intermediate ABE



30 hours with the following EFLs:

Low Adult Secondary

High Adult Secondary


Wonderlic GAIN

60 hours


BEST Literacy

60 hours



60 hours


Your state may have different minimum recommended hours set in the database, which will affect the dashboard widgets.  Please refer to your state assessment policy.